Category: DOB News
Canberra Weekend Away
Who said that the nation’s capital was a boring place. All you need is the right people and anywhere is a blast. We left St Peters fairly early on Saturday. Linda had come up from Wagga for the ride and we even had Phyllis and Lou down from Newcastle. Suprisingly the weather was rather pleasant…
Black & White (and a little Rockabilly) Ball 2011
The annual Black & White Ball goes Rockabilly this year. Greasers vs Jocks, Pink Ladies vs Cheerleaders. It’s a 1950s Prom Night with a DOB twist
Dykes on Bikes – but what can I do?
I’ve seen billboards recently that say Smart Critiques, Stupid Creates. A strong community needs people who are willing to create. It’s true not everyone will like what you do but the fact you did it is important. It’s easy to sit back and be negative but much harder to take the chance and be creative.…